Nobody wants to be the recipient of a sting. Not from a bee, wasp or hornet. The whole experience just screams NOT FUN! Unfortunately if you plan on spending any time outside this summer you put yourself at risk for a possible sting. It’s not as if the risk is incredibly high but it is there. I’m going to help you out, first by telling you how to avoid a possible sting and then by telling you how to treat a sting should you be one of those unlucky enough to get one. 


Bee+on+a+Flower.jpgBee+on+a+Flower Floral scents attract bees

Don’t Smell Pretty – Bees and wasps are attracted to sweet, flowery scents. Perfume, laundry detergents, hair care products, lotions, etc. will attract bees and wasps. 

Don’t Smell Badly – Bees and wasps become agitated around the strong odor of sweat. If you’ve been working outside or working out, freshen up with unscented soap and water before any activity where you may come into contact with bees or wasps. 

Dress For It – Dress in light colored, loose fitting clothing. Long pants and sleeves are best although this could make you rather warm. Stay away from floral prints and dark colors. 

No Cans – When drinking outside, use a see through cup. Wasps are notorious for crawling into soda cans. Also, be careful when eating fruits or sugary foods outside as these will attract the bees and wasps too. 

Barefoot+in+the+Park.jpgBarefoot+in+the+Park Be careful when barefoot. You don’t want to step on a bee or wasp.

No Barefeet – Going barefoot is my favorite! Any time I can get away with no shoes I’m a happy camper. However, wasps often make their nests in the ground and bees may be collecting nectar from the flowers. You don’t want to step on one them!

Keep Away – Try to stay away from nests and hives. Bees and wasps will defend their territory. Even the most docile will protect their home. 

Stay Calm – When a bee or wasp comes into your area it is not a good idea to wave your arms about rapidly and become hysterical. This behavior will be considered a threat and will invite stinging. 

What if those suggestions to prevent stings don’t work, you ask? What if I still get stung? Most important is to STAY CALM. You will want to act quickly once stung. Cooler heads will prevail. 


Stinger+with+Venom+Sac.jpgStinger+with+Venom+Sac A stinger with venom sac attached.

Remove The Stinger – Do this as soon as possible. The stinger injects venom into the body so remove it right away. Use fingernails or tweezers – just get it out! 

Clean The Area – Wash the area of the sting with soap and water. 

Ice It – Apply a cold compress or ice. This will help reduce swelling. (and pain) 

Bee+Sting+_+Normal+Reaction.jpgBee+Sting+_+Normal+Reaction A bee sting with a normal reaction. A dot in the middle with bulls-eye type swelling around it.

Ease Symptoms – Apply a hydro-cortisone cream or calamine lotion to reduce itching. You may also choose to take an oral antihistamine (like Benadryl) to help with itching, swelling and redness. 

If you are allergic to stings or have any symptoms of anaphylactic shock – seek medical treatment IMMEDIATELY.

  • Symptoms of anaphylactic shock include BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO difficulty breathing, swelling of the throat or tongue, a weak and rapid pulse, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and fainting. If you have ANY of these symptoms seek immediate medical attention. 

You are now armed with the information needed to avoid a sting and treat one. Don’t let bees, wasps and other stinging insects keep you from enjoying your summer. Be aware of your surroundings and you can still enjoy your fun in the sun. 

If you suspect a bee or wasp nest around your home or yard, contact Rapid Pest Solutions. We can help.