President’s Day 2015

President’s Day is observed on the third Monday of February each year. Officially known as Washington’s Birthday, the holiday has evolved to honor all of the U.S. presidents, not just the first one. We have had 43 Presidents over the course of history. In honor of this holiday Rapid Pest Solutions is providing a few little known facts about some of our leaders.


  • James Madison was the shortest president at 5-4.
  • Martin Van Buren was the first American-born president. All his predecessors were born in England.
  • John Tyler had 15 children — the most of any president.
  • At age 17, James Polk had surgery for urinary stones. The only anesthetic used was whiskey.
  • Abigail Filmore, wife of Millard Filmore, had the first running-water bathtub installed in the White House.
  • Franklin Pierce did not use the Bible to take the oath of office, instead using a law book.
  • Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender and co-owned a saloon in his hometown of Springfield, Ill., called “Berry & Lincoln.”
  • Ulysses S. Grant was once pulled over for speeding in Washington, D.C. — on a horse. The fine was $20.
  • Alexander Graham Bell installed the first telephone in the White House during Rutherford B. Hayes’ administration. The number: 1.
  • William Howard Taft, who stood 5-11 and weighed as much as 340 pounds during his presidency, once got stuck in a White House bathtub and had to be pulled out by staffers.
  • Herbert Hoover had two pet alligators which were sometimes allowed in the White House.
  • Lyndon Johnson’s Oval Office chair was a vinyl helicopter seat because he liked to fly in helicopters.
  • Gerald Ford was once the cover model for an issue of “Cosmopolitan” magazine.
  • Jimmy Carter once reported seeing a UFO while governor of Georgia.
  • Ronald Reagan received an award from the University of California in 1940 for having the “Most Nearly Perfect Male Figure.”
  • Bill Clinton once got a perfect score on a “My Little Pony” quiz on National Public Radio.

You can read the complete list here…

The+Last+5+U.S.+Presidents.+Presidents George Bush, Barack Obama, George W Bush, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter.

I consider February to be our last official month of Winter and look forward to slowly warming days and less snow as we enter and move through March.  With Daylight Savings a short 3 weeks away, we can look forward to it being light out later. This always seems to improve my mood and make me think of the summer to come.


If you notice a pest problem as we enter our warmer months, contact Rapid Pest Solutions. We have a program to fit your needs. We are here to help.